The InOS’s organization consists of:
- Council (Majelis);
- Central Board of Organization (Badan Pengurus Pusat).
The first leadership of InOS was formed by the founders (Tjia May On, Rustam Siregar, Herman, Alex Iskandar, Agoes Soehianie, Rahmat Hidayat, Koo H. Kurniawan, Husin Alatas, and Henri Uranus) on from 2010 to the first election 2013. From then on, the leadership was elected according to InOS decree (AD with Amandment1; ART with Amandment1, Amendment2, and Amandment3).
The declaration of InOS itself took place in ITB, Bandung on 11 Dec 2010, and was then officially registered before Agnes Angelika, public notary in Jakarta on 2 May 2011.