The Indonesian Optical Society


Election 2017

The 2015-2017 Leadership of InOS will end its service in 2017. For this, InOS will hold an election in June/July. The InOS Council through official letter No. 01/SK-Majelis/VI/2017 has appointed Azrul Azwar (Member number 2 2014 20 0062) and Putu Eka Pramudita (Member number 3 2012 00 0039) as the Election Committee 2017. The picture shows the time table of the election process.



The election will elect:


1. 1 Vice Chairman Elect

2. 3 Council Member Elect


for 2017-2019 service period. The 2015-2017 Vice Chairman Elect (Husin Alatas) will automatically become the Chairman for 2017-2019, while 2015-2017 Chairman (Henri P. Uranus) will automatically become one of 2017-2019 Council Member.

For this, the committee has compiled 3 lists as follows:


1. List of members who has the right to vote

2. List of members who has the right to be nominated as Vice Chairman Elect

3. List of members who has the right to be nominated as Council Member Elect

Those lists are compiled according to InOS Constitution.


Current Progress of the election process:


1. The election committee compile the election lists (done)

2. The election committee contact members for proposal of nominanations. (done)

3. The election committee compile 2 most proposed nominees for Vice Chairman Elect and 5 most proposed nominees for Council Member Elect (done). Click here for the nomination results.

4. The election committee post the position paper of the nominees in InOS website (done). Click here for the position papers of nominee.

5. The members vote for 1 Vice Chairman Elect and 3 Council Members Elect out of the nominees through online voting. (on progress)

6. The election committee recapitulate the election results.

7. The election results to be legalized by the Council in The InOS Congress.


Click here to read the Election Report.